Salam Anak IT.
"How a picture may affect your design" or actually I could say it "How IMAGINARY picture may affect your design".
If you want to design something, first you must have good imagination how the design would be. But for those yang inda dapat imagine atue miana?
Here I would like to share a basic concept on designing.
If you have compiled everything, you may have certain points which you would like to include in your design.
As example, when I created ANAK I.T's logo, I was thinking on certain points...
So... Hmmm... It is about computer-related?... Hmmm... Let me see... *liat sekeliling apa yang kena mengena sal IT/Computer*
GOTCHA! I've locked my eyes on something... My DELL LCD Monitor's on/off switch button's symbol... I took a picture of it...
Alright... I got the first point... On/Off Switch button... Every people knows that it is usually used by computer hardware to switch it ON and OFF... *now even mobile phones use the same symbol*... Then... Apa lagi?... *subuk dalam computer* ahahaha I've got my second point... Every machine uses motherboard nowadays... Then... Hmmm... *selak buku komputer pasal Computer System* Alright... ZEROs and ONEs... "Computer only understand 0 and 1" or I called it On and Off... That is the only way how human can interact with computer... It is called "machine language" or in general people named it as "Binary"...
Tapinya kan... Usually every organisation ada motto bisdia sendiri... Should I put it?... "The site's objective is to give anak Brunei kitani basic knowledge on certain computer-related issues" so it is basically a learning place kah?... Since it is mainly for anak Brunei kitani, why not I use Perambahan Brunei as the motto which is related to learning?... Oh! I got it...
When I compile everything, I have these points with me to be included in the logo designing development:
After the development process, here is what I've got,
ANAK I.T's logo
If you remember in my previous post regarding design, the design should not include "I, Me, We, Us, My BF/GF". The logo was created based on the points listed before and bukannya "aku mau cani... yang ani bisai..." . During the development, I've asked certain IT-related people which is also my target audience regarding the logo design and based on their opinions, I've changed certain elements and finished up the logo development process.
Here are some example of my products with given points:
Acara: Pertandingan Akhir Drama Bahasa Melayu...
Tempat: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
The word "DRAMA" makes me imagine a stage or apa nya kitani as pentas. When I further my imagination, I picture a stage of Sekolah Menengah Berakas (back when I was in secondary school) which has red curtain as tutup/buka pentas masa persembahan drama. So, here is what I've done. Around 10 minutes punya kraja including planning/analysis and development processes.
Acara: Persembahan Malam Juara-Juara Pertandingan Kesenian dan Kebudayaan
Jam: 7:30 Malam
Bertempat: Ruang Legar The Mall Gadong
The points are:
Im sorry that maybe arah sini the text for the title may hardly readable since I compressed and resized the image to be viewed on this site but the original is in A4 size paper (Borderless) lipat dua.
Another one,
Acara: Walkaton Hari Guru
Lokasi: Pantai Seri Kenangan
The points will be:
Jika dicantumkan menjadi "Tapak Kasut di atas pasir",
Sekian. Wabillahitaufiq walhidayah.