Assalamu'alaikum wbt...
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) adalah salah satu teknologi TERKINI yang digunakan khusus bagi mengenali identiti individu yang menggunakannya. If sekiranya biskita kan mau tau lebih lanjut pasal RFID, click kemari pakai mouse biskita.
Apa yang ingin disampaikan buat hari ini adalah khusus untuk RFID Card or nya urang kitani "Kad RFID". Ianya bertindak as "Identification data sender" and it contains uniqe identification. Just imagine IC kitani, urang lain inda kan pernah dapat Nombor Kad Pengenalan Pintar exactly sama macam Nombor Kad Pengenalan Pintar yang kami ada. Ianya bersifat unik serta "unique" hahaha yang penting nya Nombor Identiti yang kami ada atue, urang lain inda tedapat. Namun begitu, I heard RFID Card mampu diubahsuai dengan menggunakan "RFID Writer" but alum tau how it works. I should have that "RFID Writer" device then I would know hehehe =)

Radio Frequency Identification Card
Pada waktu sekarang, terdapat tiga jenis Kartu RFID yang biasa digunakan:
- Low frequency of 125Khz
- High frequency of 13.56Mhz
- Dual frequency (125Khz & 13.56Mhz)
Actually banyak sebenarnya. Lain lagi yang jenis aktif ataupun pasif tue... The one with battery and the one without battery. Every type of RFID Card will have different price as well. E.g, 125Khz RFID Card would only cost me around seringgit labih (if bali in huge quantity dapat jadi less than seringgit) whereas 13.56Mhz RFID Card might cost me doubled the price of 125Khz RFID Card. Yang dual frequency atue lain lagi harganya tue. If mau murah, bali banyak-banyak hahaha but untuk biskita apa jua kan unless biskita develop RFID-based system then you may invest that much. Imagine biskita punya pintu bilik inda lagi ada tempat masukkan kunci but semua flat and yang ada cuma RFID Reader ganya bepacak sebalah pintu ;) that would be cool but if tutup karan hangat tia~
So... Apa sebenarnya isi kandungan yang terdapat dalam RFID Card ane? Last day, I sacrificed one of my 125Khz RFID Cards for the sake of this article hehehe I wouldn't dare to sacrifice my 13.56Mhz RFID Card since harganya macam harga easi kad huhu =P

Ya ibu-ibu didapur, mula-mula kita cincang halus untuk membangkitkan bau resepi kita pada hari ini

Kemudian kita ceraikan bahagian-bahagiannya untuk digulai dengan tepung secukup rasa

Hahaha I can't cook well and would probably <cough>depending on my future wife to cook foods for me</cough> haha and yeah... Nampak biskita isi kandungannya?

If inda nampak, how about this one? Ada ternampak warna keemasan? If yes, yetah sudah tue RFID chip inside the RFID Card (sebenarnya niiiiiiipis berabis tue but I have to zoom beraaaaaabis jua)
And yeah that was my sacrificial 125Khz RFID Card especially for Anak IT's readers... Hopefully I didn't chop it for nothing =)

Cara penggunaannya is basically swipe the card onto RFID Reader device and it will automatically catch the identification number which belongs to the RFID Card yang biskita swipe. If the identification number is listed in the system's database, then it would give you access to certain thing or else it will give you error message or "Kad RFID biskita jenis murah lagi kuno yang bejual arah kadai biskal and so sistem kami inda dapat menerima kad biskita" dan yang sewaktu dengannya...
For this example, I would like to show you how I used my 13.56Mhz RFID Card when I was visiting iCentre last Friday. Obviously my RFID Card's identification is not registered in their database so I would expect "Haaahahaha inda mauuu~" kind of error or something similar.

RFID Reader @ iCentre (actually consist of 3 layers of security feature; RFID, FingerPrint & Manual Password Numbering Keys)

"Door is closed". In order to enter the building dari belakang, registered RFID users would need to swipe their RFID Card onto the reader.

As you can see, when I swiped my 13.56Mhz RFID Card, the screen berubah into "Verify PIN Card"

The RED light indicator showed up and "No Enroll!" message appeared since I am not registered user. If only my RFID Card is registered into their system, the GREEN light indicator would show up instead and might probably ada message "Bah masuk tah! Buat macam rumah sendiri" or even "Akhir jua datang atue?! Kan solah juma'at dah ne!"
Hopefully you already get an idea how does the RFID Card work. In real life, I use the RFID Card to park my car on the "reserved" parking area at office (bukan dalam upis but perkarangan bangunan upis echewah~). Other than that, I use the SAME RFID Card to access certain restricted room such as Server Room etc. so that only registered personnel may access the area/site/room.
Sekian saja resepi masakan yang dikongsikan untuk hari ini. Hingga bertemu di hari yang akan datang pada hari dan waktu yang sama, sekian. Wassalam. Selamat mencuba =)