Salam Anak IT.
How less valuable data may become a threat... In other words, cemana bulih data yang "kurang mendapat perhatian" or nya urang kitani "inda kana care" akan menjadi security threat arah kitani...
On this "lesson", I will show you how people with extra-ordinary thinking may use the "scrap" data into something useful. "Something useful" which will be demonstrated here are:
- Finding vulnerabilities on web application
- Password guessing
DISCLAIMER: Before you do or follow any activities written on this article, please note that any activity that you are going to do next is your own responsibility. This article is just for demonstration. Anak IT will not responsible for any activities that you are going to do based on this article. Do it at your own risk.
So first, we will start with "Finding vulnerabilities on web application"... The most basic step is, find out what application is being used... THEN we can easily find the vulnerabilities with the help of "GOOGLE".
For this example, I choose, not really a "web application" but more into "mail application" with web-based front-end... How to find what application is used?...
Next... Find any "less valuable" data... What can you find on the page itself?
- Icon ada tangan "STOP" or our teenagers prefer calling it "talk-to-my-hand" sign hahaha
- Panji-panji negara...
- "User name"
- "Password"
- "Sign In"
Thats it?... We can't really use the listed data for something... Alright... How about, we see the page's source code? Errr... That might be helping us out... But how?
Since I use Mozilla Firefox, go to View>Page Source or simply press CTRL+U keys at a time... The following window will appear...
There are lots of "less valuable" data you could find in there especially HTML Tags... But there is something which I "think" might be used for the activity... As you can see on the image above, I highlighted the area and copy it into clipboard... Then you might guess what I would do next! Obviously...
Yuuup~ That's right~ I googled it... And as you can see, there is a word which really catched my eyes in instant... A word "domino"... But, apakan tue?... Nevermind... Just continue browsing through the page...
Ok... Another "domino" but now it is "Lotus Domino".... Lotus... Macam pernah mendangar... Oh... Now I remembered... "
Lotus Symphony", an office application by
IBM. But... Does it mean this "Lotus Domino" is also part of IBM's products? Maybe yes... Meybe not... So next step is to directly google "Lotus Domino"... I found out that it is also one of the IBM's products... Other than google it up, I also google for its image... Surprisingly, I encountered that there is a common about this "Lotus Domino" image that I found through Google with the demonstrated page... Apanah?...
It is the icon used on the page or also known as page's "favourite icon"... From there we know that the demonstrated page uses IBM's "Lotus Domino" mail application. Good thing is now we know such application exists and might want to try it out next time...
Other than the icon, I also found the following image:
It looks way much similiar with the demonstrated page and so no doubt about application that is being used by the page...
Now we move on into how bad people uses "less valuable" data for Password Guessing...
I will use "pisbuk" profile page as an example to this demonstration...
Imagine there is this one buajah namanya "Hjh Lintuk"... Ia tedapat pisbuk... Her information is as follows:
For us, we might just think that the information listed on her profile page is just an ordinary info and so we DON'T CARE... But bear in mind that for bad people, it is TOO VALUABLE for them to trigger an activity...
As you can see from the information given on her profile page, it is easy for the bad people to guess her passsword... IF I am the bad people, here is the list of possible passwords I might guess:
- lintuk107
- lkuncang
- 1071962
- neverold
- imyouth
- 987654
- 00987654
- l987654k
- babylintuk
- babylintuk107
- 107babylintuk
- baby107lintuk
- nyubarang
- sgnyubarang
- dan yang sewaktu dengannya...
Can you imagine if one of the passwords listed is actually her valid password?... =) sama-sama tane fikirkan...
So I guess that is it for today, semoga dapat pengajaran bersama serta dapat menimbulkan rasa "alert" dikalangan kitani...
Sekian, wabillahittaufiq walhidayah, wassalam...