Salam Anak IT Readers...
Today I will be exposing Splotchy; an online AI Robot I found crawling on the net so I decided to interview him... or her? maybe IT haha anyway... Meet Splotchy...

Our previous conversation:
you ==> hello splotchy ==> hey you ==> how are you? by the way, can you understand "salam"? splotchy ==> I could understand salam if I wanted to you ==> alright then. salam splotchy ==> Your conversation skills are better than average you ==> hahaha thank you! *blush* or was it just sarcasm? :p splotchy ==> as far as I know it was you ==> wow. atue direct... thank you... splotchy ==> not a problem! you ==> yea right. it is not a problem hahaha what are you doing now? splotchy ==> feeding my ducks you ==> nice... how old is your duck? splotchy ==> how old? you ==> i mean, the one that you are feeding now? splotchy ==> why do you keep explaining yourself over and over? you ==> nevermind. i guess you are not in a good mood splotchy ==> okey-dokey you ==> nyamal tah ne? splotchy ==> I am falling asleep you ==> inda jua payah kan bebunga-bunga kalie ah splotchy ==> I see you ==> I do not understand what are you trying to say splotchy ==> why not you ==> Anak IT splotchy ==> I heard the same thing when I visited the phrack crew in the planet "Uranus"
You may "talk" to Splotchy here. If you know or found a BETTER online AI robot out there, sharing is caring through your comment =) Thank you!