Salammm~ Anak IT readers~
Today I want to *liat2 jam nunggu baduk* share on how to *pigang parut* prolong your laptop's battery life based on my experience and knowledge... Or in other words how to extend your laptop's battery life...
Lurus ke pancang or nya omputih straight to the point, I will just list out in bullet points:
- Set the display's brightness... Mikin tarang, mikin menungap battery...
- If inda makai wireless, tutup tia...
- Same goes to bluetooth, tutup if inda bepakai
- Run only programs/services that you need... Close all the less necessary programs/services running on the background...
- Heat is the best enemy for electrical devices... Sama jua battery laptop... Keep the battery away from direct "heat" such as sunlight, api, microwave? oven? kuali hangat?
- When you charge the battery, it is best practice if you make sure your laptop inda hangat before plug in the power cord... Or masa yang paling sesuai is when it is switched off or masa inda bepakai...
- Yang this one i'm not really sure but someone told me that keep the battery away from magnets... Drop a comment if you have better thesis on this...
- This one may sounds "nda mengana" but makes sense... "Keep your laptop defregmented regularly"
- If rasanya jarang makai DVD-RW or any optical drives, CABUT =) hahaha so true...
- Use SSD instead of HDD... Reasons? Low power consumption ;) Yea I know masih mahal...
- Here is the best tips when you are using HDD... If you plan on watching movies, put it on your pengdrive and play it from there... The reason is that, if the movie is inside your HDD, this will make your HDD spinning for the whole movie's length...
- Graphic card... If you are planning to buy a new laptop, I recommend you to buy laptop which comes with nVidia Optimus... Read further~
- Another tip if you are planning on buying laptop in the near future (to be specific, late 2010), buy a laptop which usesPixelQi's display panel...
- Again, another tip if kan membali laptop, cari battery nya yang tinggi cell nya... e.g, 12-Cells battery... But biasanya yang bejual di kadai masa ani 6-cells... Some 8-cells...
- Bring your charger everywhere... Abis ceta...

There are some softwares which are created to help "virtually" extending the battery's life...
Hope that gives benifits to all of us... Sama-sama sharing ilmu di bulan Ramadhan ;)
Sekian, wassalam...
P/S : Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa~ =)