Salam Anak IT.
Notion Ink's Adam

Gadget for today is The Adam. Yup... Adam... Reason?...
"It's not a tablet or a book reader. It's a new species, and we call it ADAM. The First."
- Notion Ink
- Notion Ink
The creator says so but for me it is just an alternative to Apple's iPad. Or even better? Look at the following comparisons:
What I am really impressed is the battery's life. The reason is that typical screen that runs with 3 cell battery uses 2watt while this gadget uses new screen technology called "PixelQi" which only uses 0.2watt and therefore it doubles the battery life 10 times longer. Interesting? But for me, the most interesting part is that it uses AndroidOS! <laugh>Bwauhuwhahwa</laugh> It will run on Android 2.2 Froyo but there is a hypothesis saying that it will run on Android 3.0 Gingerbread. Why? It is stated that this Notion Ink's Adam will be available in July but I read a post somewhere saying that it will most probably available in November where by that time Android 3.0 Gingerbread will also be released. But I heard the delay is mainly due to import procedures on the device's parts. Hmmm... November... *liat kalendar*
Another view of the Adam by SlashGear
To read further on this Android Pad, click here. I think future students will only use this kind of "gadget" for their presentations since it has the HDMI output. 160 hours sounds like a handphone's battery life to me hahaha atue lama... Hopefully ianya akan berfungsi seperti yang dijanjikan pasalnya i've heard complaints over Android's phone punya battery life but most probably it is because of the screen's display where people usually forget to balance the screen's brightness... Since this Adam will use PixelQi Technology I think nada masalah la tue insyaAllah...
I think that is it that I wanted to share with all of you for today... Sampai jumpa... Wassalam...
P/S : To ITB/UBD/UNISSA/KUPUSB students, welcome back to school again~ hahaha and oh, tell me if you are using any Android devices (mobile phone, APad etc.) on the comment section =) thanks!