Salam Anak IT readers =)
The FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) for today is.......................... *drumroll*.................. *masih drumroll*........ CCleaner~ my favorite FOSS :)
So, what is CCleaner? It is a free cleaning tool for Windows OS. It is small with big *masih ada drumroll* capabilities and also very light =) it is also easy to use and a *pacahi drum kai pisau cukur* must-have tool for Windows OS. Download it for free at or if malas kan copy paste click here. If you feel that it is useful you may have choice to donate or buy the software with priority support.
It has 3 category: Cleaner, Registry and Tools. For Cleaner, it cleans up your temporary files, cookies, clipboards etc. which is usually needed by the machine once but haven't been wiped off from the machine. Registry cleaning fixes any problems found on the registry while Tools cleaning deals with the software installed on the machine. This is the screenshot of the sofware:

To use Cleaner, simply click on the Analyze button and it will scans your machine for the junk files.

After the scanning is complete, click on the "Run Cleaner" button. Straight forward right? ;)

For Registry cleaning, click on the "Scan for Issues" button.

Sudahnya abis scanning, tekan punat *hahaha* "Fix selected issues..."

You will be asked either you want to backup your registry or not. To be on a safe side, just back it up and then follow the instructions.

Tools~ This is my favorite part. It has 3 sub-functions: Uninstall, Startup and System Restore. Yang Uninstall atue you know la apa ia but ;) but the most interesting part is the "Startup" feature. Usually the machine loads very slow after switched on. This is because of some programs being loaded at windows start-up. This software gives you freedom on choosing which program you want to be enabled during start-up and which programs you want to disable or even delete it from the start-up list =)

Semoga memberi manfaat arah kitani semua serta rakan-rakan dan saudara-mara tidak lupa adi beradi insyaAllah.
Sekian. Wassalam.