Having passion and interest in robotics, he has also participated in local and international robotic competitions namely: Robot Blast Competition(Techxpo 2010); ABU Robocon 2010 in Egypt; and ABU Robocon 2011 in Thailand. Although having won on so many occasions, Isyrah is still hungry for more. A laid-back person, he owes his success to his parents and family members, quoting that support, advice and blessings are important in one's life and success.
His Rubik's Robot can be viewed here.

Here is my email interview with him:
In a nutshell, how does it feel to be given the chance to represent Brunei on so many occasions? Isn't it a big load to carry on one's shoulder?
I feel grateful to be given the chance to help Brunei place its name together with other developed countries. It is, of course a big load to carry,but I try my best to do the best.
How have you specifically benefited from those endeavors? And do you think we need to encourage more Bruneians to compete and why?
I gained exposure, experience and knowledge. Indeed I do think it's time Bruneian youths to go ahead with any challenging competitions, either locally or globally. It is the platform to pursue success in life.
If you are able to pinpoint someone or something, who or what would you owe your successes to?
My family, especially my parents who always gives encouragement, ideas and support either financially and most importantly moral and mental support.
Having seen or exposed to the outside world, how would you fare the local scene? Are we far off?
Actually we have many potential local youths. However, we lack resources and therefore our locals miss the chances and opportunities.
Do we have room for improvement? If so, how? and what are we lacking?
Given the right resources, guidance and opportunities, naturally, we the locals, I'm positive can be at the same par as others.
Personally, what do you think of the level of ICT awareness here? Do you think the government is doing enough to promote it?
More or less we are beginning to have high awareness of ICT and Brunei has given us the opportunity however it has more to provide for example an affordable high speed internet access. But I believe we're going there, somehow.
These past weeks we have been shocked with the death of two of the most prominent figures in the world of Computers, Dennis Ritchie and Steve Jobs. From your point of view, will it affect the industry?
Let them both Rest in Peace. Their death was a shock, yes. We feel it as a great loss in world of Computers. However, I don't think it will affect the industry as they have left us with good foundation to go on. Life has to go on. I'm sure they want us to continue with what they've started.
You have had a good run. Will it continue until next year, and what do you have lined up for 2012?
As long as I'm needed, I'll try my best to get involved. I love this task and next year, I think I'll still be representing Brunei in ABU Robocon competition which will be held in Hong Kong.
Besides computers and robotics, what is your real passion? How do you spend your time 'offline'?
I love music. I can beat the drums, play the piano and the guitar. Together with my siblings we do jamming, especially at weekends.
Do you have any particular website or wormhole that you often use as reference? Any favourites?
Google. Google. Google.
Any word of advice to the local youth?
Always strive for success. Reflect on your weakness as a guidance to go forward,i.e look behind BUT don't step back.
Warai 2011