"CompTIA's Strata Green IT certificate is designed to enhance an IT professional's experience, knowledge, and existing IT credentials to incorporate emerging technologies shaping the global green IT industry today. IT professionals that pass the Green IT exam validate that they have the aptitude needed to effectively implement and measure green IT programs and investments, including:
The Strata Green IT certificate is ideal for IT professionals who have decision making authority over a company's IT infrastructure or work in implementing green IT initiatives such as an IT manager, data center or facilities / operations manager, IT technician, and system or network administrator." -CompTIA
CompTIA Strata - Green IT certificate
For further information on the CompTIA Strata - Green IT, go to CompTIA's website at http://www.comptia.org/certifications/strata/greenit.aspx or simply click here. Those who need some guidance on the certification, you may approach me.
As Anak IT's motto, "Mun rotan ganya sejangkal, jangan mendaluh lautan dalam" encouraging you to improve and further your skills.
Sekian, semoga biskita mendapat inspirasi dan juga manfaat. Wassalam.
"When there is a will, there is a way"
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