

Don't Steal Computer-Literate's Machine

Salam Readers

As usual, I was reading through #Brunei in the morning and I stumbled into a very interesting tweet by@gd14live. His tweet was "Don’t steal computers belonging to people who know how to use computers - via @forbes #Brunei"

So basically, I got curious. and check it out..

It was an article about an 18-year-old entrepreneur had his Macbook Air stolen at his college dorm in february. Well basically.. for some of us, once it is stolen. It is long gone. Basically inda dapat di trace balik. That's what Mark Bao assumed as well. So Mark decided to bought a new one

Then he got a chance to recover his laptop. How? Mark installed an online cloud back-up program on his stolen Macbook Air *sebelum kana curi lah tu* called BackBlaze.

After few months, he logged into the service for the first time and found out that his stolen Macbook Air is still being backed up.

Mark said that he looked around the files and found that the thief didnt remove the backup service and create his own user account on the system.

Mark could even see the thief's Safari browsing history, webmail site that contain the thief's email address (which revealed the thief's name), pictures and videos which included a video of the thief breaking out some dance moves. So Mark looked up the thief's name on Facebook and he discovered they had mutual friends at Bentley University.

Mark reported to the police and also decided to upload the thief's dance move video to youtube with the title "Don’t steal computers belonging to people who know how to use computers." The video got huge response and Reddit and Courtney Boyd Meyers at The Next Web pick it up.

Let's just say that after Reddit and The Next Web picked it up. The Thief had to returned the laptop to the campus police and sent Mark a facebook message.The thief plead for Mark to take down the YouTube video, Although Mark publicly shamed the culprit but he didn't include the thief's name which granting him some anonymity. Some other techies or tech savants who have had their computers stolen and done similar thing like Mark did have not been as kind. Here's another case where the tech savvy really Pwned the thief. click here

Here's the video that Mark Bao uploaded on YouTube. Click here

So basically, the thief just got Pwned and totally Epic #Fail. It was great for how Mark Bao manage to get his laptop back and plan to sell off his laptop and donate it to Red Cross Japan

Owh yeah.. I got the source of the story from @forbes.

Ok.. That's all what i'm going to share. Salam Readers

Wafiy HM