

FOSS - K-Lite Codec

It's been a while since I posted on So today I'm going to introduce you K-Lite Codec. Ok.. gerenti ramai orang confuse sikit apa guna nya if kana install kan ke dalam laptop or desktop. Well K-lite Codec ani is basically a collection of audio and video components for Windows [1]. Still confuse? Andang nya tuu.. Aku pun awal-awal confuse.. First time aku membali laptop, kana install kan k-lite codec ani.. tapi inda ku tau apa guna nya.. then aku format laptop ku.. then baru ku realise ada guna nya...
So.. Let me explain.. Pernah kah biskita kn membuka video dlm format 3GP? RMVB? MKV? OGG? FLV? well.. K-Lite codec will help you to open the file and be able to view it. Its basically upgrade biskita punya video codec supaya dapat buka video dalam format tersebut di atas tadi.
If biskita masih confuse? Mari aku bercerita sedikit pasal ani.. Selalu nya... if computer baru habis format, biskita dapat buka video file under AVI, MPG, MP4 ganya.. so if baik nasib, dapat nampak gambar nya.. tpi if inda baik nasib.. inda ber-gambar langsung.. *Iatah membari garam hati oleh nya tuu..*
To solve this problem, biskita install K-Lite Codec. That way, you can view semua video format and its free!!
If biskita mau download.. click here.
Basically, K-Lite codec ani ada 4 jenis. Which are Basic, Standard, Full and Mega. Aku recommend Mega pulang.. K-Lite Mega Codec ani is the complete package of video format yang dapat di lihat lah... Even aku menggunakan K-Lite Mega Codec.
And for those yang ada udah dalam computer nya, kalau boleh constantly update lah K-Lite Codec biskita. Most of the update ani mengusai loophole aka Errors of K-Lite Codec yang version lama. Biskita inda pulang sadar ada error atau inda tu tapi ada banar nya...
K-Lite Codec ani saja bukan untuk video, tapi ia boleh digunakan untuk mendangar lagu jua..
If you dont feel like using K-Lite Codec, dont worry. There's another software for updating your video and audio codec as well. To be precise, there are tons of software that update your video and audio, but the most common that I see is "VLC Media Player".
If mau mendownload VLC... click here.
I think that is all for now. I hope this article gave you an extra knowledge on K-Lite Codec and what it does. If you have any question regarding this article, please do not hesitate to click "Miana Kan Tue?" at the top of this page. We will try our best to reply your question(s).
Thank you!