

Most Common Password in Cyber Threat

Salam Anak IT Readers~
Tiba masanya, pantun dijunjung,
Pantun kini, karya satu cerita,
Cerita yang panjang, nada penghujung,
Mun catu tantu ku pindikkan tah saja~
Here is the list of most common passwords in cyberworld...
  • 123456
  • abc123
  • qwerty
  • iloveu
  • password
  • pass
  • *IC Number
  • 12345678
  • 123
  • manutd
  • liverpool
  • letmein
  • iwantu
  • soccer
  • 111111
  • enter
  • imissu
  • hello
  • aslplz
  • computer
  • keyboard
  • guitar
  • *Car's plate number
  • hannah
  • montana
  • princess
  • pwincess
  • cool
  • imhot
  • stabber
  • *First name
  • mypass
  • hotmail
  • aaaaaa
  • whatever
  • uknowit
  • secret
  • kembayau
  • piasau
  • lovehubby
  • *Country Name
  • *Phone Number
  • chelsea
  • flower
  • redrose
Anything else? If ada ketinggalan, mind to post it through your comment =) Thanks~
"CompTIA Security+ is an international, vendor-neutral certification that proves competency in system security, network infrastructure, access control and organizational security.

The CompTIA Security+ certification designates knowledgeable professionals in the field of security, one of the fastest-growing fields in IT. Security threats are increasing in number and severity, and the gap between the need for security professionals and qualified IT personnel is the largest of any IT specialty, according to a 2008 CompTIA study. Even in a troubled economy, most businesses plan to maintain or increase their investment in security."
 - CompTIA

Security+ Certificate

For further information on the Security+ certification, go to CompTIA's website at or simply click here. Those who need some guidance on the certification, you may approach me.
As Anak IT's motto, "Mun rotan ganya sejangkal, jangan mendaluh lautan dalam" encouraging you to improve and further your skills.

Sekian, semoga biskita mendapat inspirasi dan juga manfaat. Wabillahittaufiq walhidayah...


Microsoft Security Essentials

Salam Anak IT.
Good news for Windows Operating System users.
"Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.

Microsoft Security Essentials is a free download from Microsoft that is simple to install, easy to use, and always kept up to date so you can be assured your PC is protected by the latest technology. It’s easy to tell if your PC is secure — when you’re green, you’re good. It’s that simple.

Microsoft Security Essentials runs quietly and efficiently in the background so that you are free to use your Windows-based PC the way you want—without interruptions or long computer wait times."
The key features are:
  • Comprehensive malware protection
  • Simple, free download
  • Automatic updates
  • Easy to use
The software is free to use as long as you use GENUINE Windows Operating System. Download it hereand enjoy this free anti-malware on your system.


How To Find Your MAC Address in Ubuntu?

Salammmmm readers~
As promised from my yesterday's post on "How to find your MAC Address in Windows (XP)", today I will continue the tutorial on how to find your MAC address in Ubuntu Operating System. Straight forward ja k...
Go to Applicaions>Accessories>Terminal

Terminal in Ubuntu OS is just like Command Prompt in Windows OS. As mentioned in my previous article, you need to type "ipconfig /all" in the Windows OS's Command Prompt. In Ubuntu, bunyinya kan sama tapi inda serupa. In the Ubuntu's Terminal, type the following string:
and then press Enter key on your keyboard.

Information regarding your network's configuration will show up. If in Windows OS you need to look for "Physical Address", in Ubuntu OS you need to look for "HWaddr" which I believe stands for "Hardware Address". MAC address' standard format is 00-00-00-00-00-00.

Any questions or additional points you want to share, kindly use the comment section on this article =)

Until next time~ Wabillahittaufiq walhidayah...


How To Find Your MAC Address in Windows XP?

Salam readers...
Media Access Control address or best known as MAC address, is an address uniquely assign to any network physical device adapter such as Network Interface Card (NIC), Wireless Router, even Smartphone (with Wi-fi capable) have one...
Other than MAC address, it is also known as:
  • Ethernet Hardware address
  • Network Hardware address
  • Physical address
We do not usually bother to know what is the MAC address for the network device that we are using as long as "dapat dipakai". However, there are certain cases where you need to know your network device's MAC address. One of good examples will be when you deal with "MAC filtering" on your wireless router.
So follow these few steps to look for your machine's (not exactly machine, but network adapter) MAC address...
First, go to Start>Run or simply press WINDOWS+R keys on your keyboard. When the "Run" window appears, type "cmd" and click OK button.

On the command prompt, type the following string:
ipconfig /all
and then press Enter key on your keyboard.

You will see information regarding your networking configurations. One of them will be "Physical Address". The string next to it with 00-00-00-00-00-00 string format is your adapter's MAC address.

There you go... That is how you find your MAC Address in Windows (XP) Operating System... Tomorrow I will post a short article on how to find your MAC address in Ubuntu Operating System InsyaAllah...
Until next time~ wassalam...


FOSS - Blender

Salam Anak IT.
Today's FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) will be Blender.
No... Not THAT blender... But THIS Blender...

Based from their offcial website, "Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License".
For those who are already familiar with 3DMaxStudio, Maya 3D, Cinema 4D, you might want to try this out.
Here are some Blender's screenshot examples:

There are some short good movies created with Blender. One of them is Big Buck Bunny. I also found a good trailer here.

Looks realistic? Again created with Blender. More at Blender Art Gallery.

Download Blender now here and see if you can think in X,Y and Z axises =) enjoy~


Networking Cable

In computer networking, there are 3 major types of networking cable:

1. Coaxial Cable
(Courtesy of
Coaxial cable... Pernah dangar? Biasanya kana gunakan untuk aerial TV. Urang jaman lama kilala banar nie warai ah barang pemainan bisdia lagi dulu nie hahaha urang jaman ane betukar astro dah atue pun kana pasangkan kalie yetah jarang meliat warai miani ane... So... In computer networking, cable ani pun inda jua ketinggalan kana gunakan... In my previous article on "Common Network Topology", there is one topology called Bus Topology. This topology uses Coaxial Cable as its main transmission media which is also called as Thinnet or Thicknet.

2. Twisted-pair Cable
There are two types of Twisted-pair Cable: Unshielded Twisted-pair (UTP) and Shielded Twisted-pair (UTP)
The one in the picture above is Unshielded Twisted-pair. Click here if you want to see Shielded Twisted-pair Cable.
When cramped to its socket, the cable looks like telephone cable but wider. If you are using e-speed through cable connected to your router right now, cuba cabut dan liat berapa warai biskita dapat kira. If 8 semuanya, iatah udah tue...
Unshielded Twisted-pair (UTP) is divided into certain categories:
  • Category 1 - Traditional telephone cable. Carries voice but not data
  • Category 2 - Certified UTP for data transmission of up to 4 megabits per second (Mbps). It has four twisted pairs
  • Category 3 - Certified UTP for data transmission of up to 10 Mbps. It has four twisted pairs
  • Category 4 - Certified UTP for data transmission of up to 16 Mbps. It has four twisted pairs
  • Category 5 - Certified for data transmission of up to 100 Mbps. It has four twisted pairs of copper wire
  • Category 6 - Offers transmission speeds up to 155 Mbps
  • Category 7 - Category 7 is a proposed standard that aims to support transmission at frequencies up to 600 MHz

3. Fiber Optic Cable
Last but not least, Fiber Optic Cable. Right now, It is considered as the most secure networking cable due to minimum interference and hard to "vampire tapped". It uses light to transmit data and can deliver high bandwidth. This cable is the one which links us to other part of the world through "kabel dasar laut" or Submarine Cable System. Brunei is connected to other part of the world through Asia-American Gateway (AAG) and South-East Asia - Middle East - Western Europe 3 (SEA-ME-WE3). I heard there is another one but is not "publicize".

Until next time~ Sekian.
P/S: Since Anak IT is now "open to public" haha so do drop comments or suggestions alright =) Thank you.


Customising your folder in Windows

Assalam Anak IT Readers~

Today I will tell you miana kan "customise" folder biskita especially your favourite folder by putting any image that you like to be as its background image. The following picture illustrate the typical and "boring" folder...

The first thing that you need to do is, put your favourite picture inside your favourite folder. For this example, I will use a folder named "AnakIT" which I located in C drive and so the folder's full address is "C:\AnakIT".

Using any text editor (such as notepad or wordpad), type the following code:

Malas kan taip? Hahaha copy it from here then...

Replace your_image.jpg with the picture's name that you have selected earlier. In this case, I use "Img01.jpg" to be the background of the folder.

For the IconArea_Text, the "0x00FFFFFF" represents white colour. I use white colour for my text because my background picture is dark. Mun pakai itam kang langsung pajah inda lagi nampak apa-apa bwauhuwhuahwa but just in-case you want the text to be in black colour, use "0x00000000" instead. The last 6 characters are actually representing RGB colour code so if I use "0x0000FF00", the text will be in green colour.

After you are done, save the text document into your folder and name the file as "desktop.ini". Set the "Save as type:" to "All files" and click the "Save" button.

The next step will requires you to run a command. Go to Start>Run or simply press Windows+R keys on your keyboard

Type the following command:attrib +s "your folder's full address"

Since my folder is "C:\AnakIT", so I need to type:attrib +s "C:\AnakIT"

Press "OK" button and go to your customised folder and see whether if it does work or not.

Selamat mencuba~

Sekian, wassalam...


Is Every New OS Secured/Stable?

Salam Anak IT.
If you are a computer "geek", what will you do if you heard any OS developer saying that their new Operating System is released? Get it straight away?... Or wait until everyone is using the OS?...
Here are some advices, mostly based from my personal experience. There are some drawbacks of the new released Operating System that you reeaallllyyy need to consider:
  1. Alum luan stable banar...
  2. Hardware incompatibility "cornflakes"
  3. Poor graphic manipulation
  4. Risk of data loss
  5. Performance kureeeng~
  6. Availability of Security loopholes
  7. Requires to download soooo many patches
  8. Makes the user kambang "aku makai OS baru dah~ wooooo~"
  9. Dan yang sewaktu dengannya
I believe there are many more of these but that depends on which type of Operating System implemented.
I remembered last time when Windows Vista was freshly released, everyone was talking about it... "Bui... Ko makai Vista dah?", "Jeng... Di mana berulih tue ah Windows Vista ah?", "Dapat ko formatkan laptop ku jadi Windows Vista?"... And guess what... In the end, "Bro... nyasal plang ku makai Vista ah...", "Dapat kita downgrade kan my laptop from Windows Vista ke Windows XP?", "Laptopku system-crash ahh!! Miana kan tue?!"... Alum lagi yang jenis penyumpahan tue hahaha...
So, I suggest if there is a new OS release that you want to try out, try it with your secondary or less important machines, not with the machine which you are using to deal with daily activities.
Sekian, semoga mendatangkan manfa'at.



This is especially goes to WINDOWS OS users...
Have you ever experience system freezed? Hang?
If something like that happen to your system, what will you do?
I bet 98% of you probably already know what you will need to do. But this goes especially to the other 2%.
Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE simultaneously at a time!

When the "Windows Task Manager" appears, "End Task" any application with "Not Responding" status.
If masih jua matingal nda mau, takan switch on/off rah komputer biskita batah-batah sampai ia pajah, then takan lagi sekali.

Sekian, wassalam...

P/S: Mun rasanya payah-payahan, switch to Ubuntu, end of story~ <laugh>gyahgyahgyahgyahgyahgyahgyah</laugh>


Common Network Topology

Assalam Anak IT Readers...
There are several types of Network Topology:
(Image from

You may not be familiar with some of the topologies above. For this article, I will only briefly explain the common network topologies in bullet points.

Bus Topology
  • An old topology (maybe inda lagi tedapat masa anie)
  • Menggunakan Coaxial Cable (lebih dikenali sebagai Thinnet. Ada jua yang menggunakan Thicknet) with BNC connector
  • Each terminal connects to the continuous cable which connect them all in straight line
  • Each cable end is "terminated" with terminator device which it "absorbs" all the current signal so that it would not bounce back to where the signal came from... *imagine*
  • If something happen to that straight line cable, most certainly it will affect the entire bus network or at very least, having communication problems between workstations

Ring Topology
  • Just like namanya, this network topology looks like a ring or nya urang kitani "membulat" haha
  • Some network professionals says that it is just like a linear topology, it is just that ujungnya bebalik rah the first workstation instead of kana terminated like in bus topology
  • You may call it "Loopology Network" since the signal goes in circle and looping
  • Token Passing method is the method used to transmit the data from a workstation to the next workstation in circle
  • Cable used? Coaxial cable (Thicknet) and ada yang makai Fiber Optic

Star Topology
  • Bintang punya shape where the workstations are not directly connected to each other but through a "special" device or apa nya kitani as "Postmen", makai urang tangah =)
  • This is the most common network in a small Office/Home Local Area Network (LAN). If biskita makai e-speed dirumah, cuba peratikan banar-banar computer biskita connect ke mana... Router? Switch? Yetah namanya "urang tangah" tue... Your other siblings' computers are also connecting to the same "urang tangah" device. Most of us use router since we directly connect to internet through a modem. So imagine if biskita kan transfer lagu arah laptop adi beradi biskita yang lain through "File Sharing", data lagu atue inda directly mengaga arah laptop adi beradi biskita atue but ia mesti melalui "urang tangah" which is router biskita. (unles biskita makai P2P with Crossover Cable)
  • If satu cable inda working, it will not affecting the entire network
  • Uses Cat5/5e/6 cable with RJ45 connector

Mesh Topology
  • Mesh is usually connect to more than one workstation in order to communicate with another workstation
  • One to Many connection?
  • Internet uses this topology
  • If one connection broke down, no problem pasalnya ada another connection still exist =)

Hopefully that will at least help you to understand basic computer networking. If biskita ada kan ditanya, simply send your enquiry here.
Sekian, Wassalam...