

My Personal Alarm Clock

Salam Anak IT.
Today I would like to share my software-based personal alarm clock that I created using simple Visual Basic 6 coding. It was built for my personal purpose but now I just feel like I want to share it with Anak IT Readers... You may download the zip file (consists of the program and MP3 file) here. Here we go...
Facts and Features:
  • Created in 2007 using Visual Basic 6
  • The program size is only about 100kb
  • It uses Alarm.mp3 file for the "alarm" sound
  • Works well with large speaker
  • Of course it needs a speaker... Hahahaha
  • Bebunyi pada tiap-tiap pukul 7 pagi
  • Using 2 ways of "Custom Alarm Time"; Specific Hour-Minute-Second and Hour Selection (From 1am till 12pm)
Cara penggunaan (Specific Hour-Minute-Second):
  1. Taip waktu yang biskita inginkan di dalam format "Jam:Menit:Saat"
  2. Tekan butang "Add" or simply press Enter key on your keyboard
  3. By using this method, the ring will only last about 60seconds+
You will realise that the "Nill" has changed to your requested time, in the following example, it is written as "21:35:00"
Just wait for the time and it will ring the Alarm.mp3 at the time specified. You may use any other MP3 file such as your favourite song or HEAVY METAL SONG supaya tebangun slajur when it rings hahahaha but remember to place your MP3 file in the same folder where the program resides and rename the MP3 file into "Alarm.mp3" with capital A.
Cara penggunaan (Hour Selection):
  1. Simply select the hour and let it be~
  2. Baca doa sebelum tidur
  3. This method WILL NOT STOP THE RING unless you close the program or buang speaker biskita ke sungai (which is good for those yang "tidur mati" hahaha)
Simple? Huhuhu maybe the program is not as "user-friendly" as you expected it to be but it was created for my own personal usage in the first place...
Some useful tips:
  • Jauhkan speaker dari tempat tidur
  • Pasang volume speaker basar-basar biar hingar
  • Taruh gam plastik arah volume speaker so it will FORCE you to "betukang-tukang" membuka balik the tape (where by that time you will be more than awake hahaha)
  • Mun kan mau lebih bisai, replace the default MP3 file with MP3 urang membaca azan or simply record your own voice saying "HOIII WANGGG BANGUUUNNN!!!" or something like "Aku banaaa banaaaaa kannnn kauuuuuuu~" or anything you like...

Sekian, harap ianya akan dapat mendatangkan fa'edah kepada kita semua. Wassalam.