

Validating Your Website

If you own a website, most probably you have heard of website validating. But if you haven’t, it is time to learn.
Now, apa kah bendanya website validating ani? To put it in simple words, it is basically you make your website to live up to the standard that is accepted by most web designers.
“Why the trouble”, you may ask. “Lawa jua sudah website ku ani.” Well, there are many reasons as to why you should go through all the hassles but here I will just touch one aspect.
By validating your website, you will able to reach more people and spread your influence even further. If you are operating a business, your website will have more potential in pulling in more customers.
How is that possible?
First, you have to know that not all web browsers are the same. Microsoft Internet Explorer is not the same as Mozilla Firefox. Google Chrome is not the same as Safari. Even if your website looks fine on your browser, it does not mean it will look the same on somebody else’s browser. Despite all of them serve as the tool to surf the internet, they are built with different mechanisms and capabilities. In shorter words, they will display some the contents of a website slightly differently from each other.
Imagine this scenario: you own a website where you are selling health products. A visitor comes in and starts browsing through your products. Your website contents happen to be not supported by the visitor’s browser, and causing the browser to crash (or hang). Your visitor eventually loses interest in your website and decides to hop to a rival company. Badabing badadum, you have just lost a potential client.
Well, hopefully you will find this article useful. I've only touched the tip of this topic so you are advisable to find more about the topic through online articles.
Below are some useful tools for you to validate your website:
>>W3C Markup Validation: this service will validate your HTML or XHTML markup.
>>W3C CSS Validation: this service will validate your CSS.