

Speed On Demand

Salam Anak IT.
Anyone using e-speed? Yes? Brapa kbps? 1MB? Pelahan? Or sadang? huhu worry no more~ pasal now we already have "Speed On Demand" brought to you by TelBru.
Technically what does it do is that, it BOOST up your current e-speed connection ADDING another 1MB or 2MB (selectable) for 60mins a.k.a sejam so for example biskita sudah ada 1MB then biskita kan TOP-UP 2MB, it means you will be surfing internet with 3MB of e-speed connection for about an hour. It may sound "sekajap" but 60mins would give us enough time to download BIG FILES and so only use it when you NEED it. Why? I will tell you later...
So... here are steps to activate "Speed On Demand"...
  1. Go to the website
  2. Enter username and password
  3. Choose whether you want it to boost up adding another 1MB or 2MB
  4. Enjoy your connection dengan senyuman lebar for 60mins
"Username and Password ane dimana kan dapat? Google kah?" <laugh>bwauahuwhuahwa</laugh> no... Username is basically your 7-digit phone number... Ukan mobile ah... Line rumah yang kamu pakai untuk e-speed... Password is your e-speed account number... Where to get that? Arah your e-speed's monthly bill...
As I told you, why you only need to use it ONLY when you NEED it is that, BUKANNYA FREE =) hahaha the charges are as follows:
The charges will be accumulated in your e-speed's monthly bill so for those yang bukan membayar sendiri atue jangan lupa minta izin sebelum activate the "Speed On Demand" pasalnya at the end of the month the bill will be increased depending on how often you boost your e-speed connection.
Our default e-speed value surf connection. There is no 512KBPS E-Speed anymore... The minimum is 1MB e-speed connectivity. You may read the latest available e-speed plans here.
That is it for today. Hope it would be benificial to some readers yang makai e-speed. Until next time~

P/S : Anak IT is not responsible if indung kamu marah pasal bill e-speed naik tiap bulan. You are advised to use it wisely.