

FOSS - CDex (CD Ripper)

Salam Anak IT.
For today, I would like to introduce one of the FOSS (Free/Open Source Software) named CDex. You may go to their official site here. CDex is technically a CD "ripper" where you convert your favourite Audio CD into digital audio files such as WAV, mp3, au etc.
CDex v.1.51 (Stable version)
As you can see, it is just like any typical CD Ripper where you can rename the audio tracks to be used as its filename as well. CDex provides 5 types of conversion but the major conversions are:
  1. Extract CD Track(s) to WAV file(s)
  2. Extract CD Track(s) to Compressed Audio file(s)
The first one is obviously convert the Audio CD track into WAV file whereas the second will convert it into MP3 file. It took me a while just to figure out how to convert it into MP3 files since "mp3" is not physically STATED there <laugh>kabababababa</laugh>.
Conversion in progress
Note : Remember to select all the tracks (CTRL + A) if you want to rip the whole album or else it will only rip the selected track.
Output : MP3 file
So if you are interested to use this FOSS (Free/Open Source Software), you may click here to download it. Good luck!
Sekian. Wassalam...