

Hard Disk - IDE or SATA?

This is my 1st article for… I’m honored for for giving me the chance to give a contribution to it. So... here it goes…
Inda kita pernah terpikir kan membali hard disk external untuk menyimpan data biskita? Seperti document-document kraja, gambar, lagu, movies, series and etc… Sekali kan membali... ada kana bagi choice… sama ada kita mau hard disk yang IDE atau SATA? Apa tah biskita buat tu? Sama ada pilih IDE atau SATA? Apa yang bagus? IDE atau SATA? Bisai atau inda membali saiz Hard disk basar? Walaupun kita tanya arah penjaga kadai, tatap jua decision arh kitani…. So, cemana tah nie?
Pernah terasa dilemma cemani? To be honest, I’ve even experienced this kind of dilemma a few years back… maybe all the people have as well… so I’m going to write an article about the difference between IDE and SATA, and my recommendations on what kind of hard disk to get nowadays…
Mari tah kitani melihat gambar Hard disk IDE sama SATA dulu ye…

Hard disk IDE

This picture was taken from here

Cable IDE

This picture was taken from here

IDE power cable

This picture was taken from here

SATA hard disk

This picture was taken from here

SATA cable

This picture was taken from here

SATA power cable

This picture was taken from here
Can you see the difference between IDE and SATA? Well... the hard disk cable and the hard disk itself is different… and for performance-wise SATA is faster than IDE. Pasal SATA model baru daripada IDE… hehehe… okay... That doesn’t really explain why it is faster than IDE...
IDE’s transfer rate is 100MB/S, meaning how fast you can access your files in your computer… To be put in a much simpler term. If biskita kan mentransfer movie dari hard disk kita ke arah kawan biskita, then hard disk kita is IDE… berapa lama kita mentransfer 5 GB or more ke arah kawan biskita? Sometimes the hard disk cannot even support such high capacity data, which results in you having to transfer it one by one. How do I know? Well... I learned it from experience...
Few years back, I transferred 15GB worth of movies/series to my friend’s external hard disk. I leave it alone for it to finish and went to get some rest... when I woke up... It wasn’t moving… So yeah… the data is too large for the hard disk to handle... I have to transfer it one by one.
Sekali, pasal SATA lagi... SATA’s transfer rate starting at 150MB/s. eh wait... did I mention about “starting”. Yes it true... starting at 150MB/s. the current SATA specification detail data transfer rate are as high as 6.0GB/s per device, depending on the hard disk’s RPM though… the higher the RPM, the higher the transfer rate is, while IDE’s max transfer rate are 100MB/s.
My recommendations for getting a new hard disk is……. *drum roll*….. SATA. Because of the high transfer rate it is advisable to get SATA. Data capacity are rising from 300mb to I don’t know. Well all I can say that it is getting bigger. And if you get an IDE hard disk, it is so hard to look for the external hard disk casing because nowadays most hard disk being sold is SATA. And the very latest laptops nowadays are using SATA hard disk.
Owh yeah, if you are planning to get a SATA hard disk for desktop biskita, please check whether motherboard kita support atau inda ah…. If your desktop are new… well... most probably.. ada pulang SATA port arah motherboard biskita tu.
If you are planning to get a hard disk, the size capacity is 1TB which means 1000GB... remember… hard disk ani sensitive sikit ni… gugur saja hard disk ani… rusak tia… menangis tua wah tu hehehe... and hard disk ani ada jua nyawa nya… if you plug in your hard disk... and you hear a clicking sound... and your hard disk is 2 years old… backup your stuff… all your datas… your hard disk is at its end already.
Ok… that’s the end of my article for now. I hope that you all gain a bit more experience on hard disk. Until next time… Sekian… Wabillahi taufiq walhidayah...